My dear brother and siter:
The journey has begun! One tip that I would like to share is treating every single day of the 40 Days like Day 1. If you think back over times when you have started a new diet, exercise routine, or new challenge there is something special about Day 1 that allows us to bring excitement and our full and total selves to whatever is before us. Treat every day like Day 1 and you’ll get through!
My Day 1 Reflection:
During my time of meditation and reflection on Days 1’s scripture Mark 9:14-29 and Matthew 17:14-21, the defeat of the disciples in the text began to bother me. I had to sit and wrestle with the question of why the disciples could be defeated if the father of the boy had enough faith, why was that not enough?
When I began to look down to Mark 9:33-37, I began to receive some insight into the problem.
What do you think? It is possible that the disciples were worried about the wrong things and suffered this embarrassing defeat because they allowed self-reliance, self-assurance, and even arrogance to get in their way. This is betrayed by the debate they are having in verses 33-37, “Who is the greatest?”
The reason the 40 Days was so impactful in my life is because it caused me to really sit and reflect on defeats and challenges in 2020. I began to recognize and deal with my own self-reliance, self-assurance, and even arrogance at times. Is it possible that we are getting in our own way and other people are suffering because of it?
God began to deal with me and replayed situations in my life to get me focused for 2021. I pray the same for you my friend! Really think and reflect objectively on your role in situations you would like to see turned around in 2021. This is not the time to worry about or blame anyone (including yourself), but pray, think deeply, and believe God will show you the way. Remember, with God, “All things work together for the good” Romans 8:28, but sometimes we have to do the investigative work for understanding.
DAY 2 Schedule:
Today I will be preaching at 10am EST for the Mt. Horeb Baptist Church in Corona Queens
Today at 3pm EST will be doing a FB Live (@revreggiebachus) and at 3:30pm EST I will be doing a IG Live (@reggiebachus).
Tonight at 8pm EST I will be on Zoom to pray with you and for you and answer any questions you may have about the fast. (My apologies for not including the time in yesterday’s email.)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 6114 4890
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God Bless you and keep you!
Rev. Reginald Lee Bachus
(Don’t forget to the check out the Blog for the plan)
A. One thing to Build our Belief
B. One thing to Build our Bodies
C. One thing to Build our Finances