All of us are working for somebody’s kingdom, the real question is whose? If Christ was to return in this exact moment, could you honestly say that you were gathering or scattering? That’s a serious question we all must ask ourselves. If you are reading this, you are probably with Jesus, but the second half of the statement is what we must to focus on.
November 2020
DAY 33: The Strong Man Satan and His Armor Have Been Defeated
“The struggle continues, but victory is certain!” For the life of me I cannot remember who I was talking with that shared this statement that has become one of my spiritual mantras.
Although there may be struggle, we must realize that victory is certain!
What I received through revelation was that through prayer, meditation, and choice I had armor to combat and defeat the armor that Satan had trusted, because Jesus the one stronger came in and overcame Satan. When Jesus says he took his armor, he took the effects of his armor on believers, Satan’s armor still exists and trust me he’s still using everything in his armor every day, but the good news is that the struggle continues but victory is certain because Jesus has overcome the strong man Satan!
Day 32: The Power in The Kingdom of God
Do you use your finger for heavy things or light things? Jesus is telling us that whatever we feel may have us bound and needs to be cast out of our lives is a light thing for God through prayer and belief.
More and more automobiles are coming equipped with a push button ignition. Think of how much power you are controlling when you push the start button in a car. If you drive a standard car, you have just ignited a 350-pound combustible bomb called an engine, which powers a 3,000-pound machine with unimaginable speed and power. This machine has the power to get you just about anywhere you want to go on land and can be a life changing force for good or be transformed into deadly weapon of force. All that power started with just one finger. How much more power do you think is in the finger of God to ignite change in your life, to drive transformation, and move you from where you are to where you want to be?