Team Transition 2021 how do you feel?
I pray this message finds you in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day! For those who have joined late, visit for a recap of Days 1-8.
Day 8 – Reflection
In our text, the young boy’s foaming at the mouth and gnashing of the teeth are emblematic, for our purposes, of both the wrong things and the prevention of anything coming out of his mouth. As you reflect again on Day 8, think about what has happened in 2020 that has tried to silence you? But the good news is that everytime you show up, speak up, and speak out you are existing in bold defiance of everything that attempted to silence you in 2020. Remember the blind man from Luke 18:39, the more the crowd tried to silence him, the louder his voice became until he was in the presence of Jesus and receiving his healing! It’s time to get loud for God!
Day 9: Are your decisions consistent with your destiny?
Did you know that everytime you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else? It is really that critical. Today, begin really slowing down and trying to isolate the decisions that you are making. Once you begin to slow down and isolate the decisions, begin identifying what you are saying yes to and what you are saying no to. The isolation of decisions and evaluation of those decisions in terms of what you are making happen and preventing from happening is a critical step to determining if your decisions are consistent with your destiny!
Day 9 Audio:
Godspeed and blessings,
Rev. Reginald Lee Bachus