Team Transition 2021 how do you feel? I pray this message finds you in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day! For those who have joined late, visit for a recap of Days 1-8. Day 8 – Reflection In our text, the young boy’s foaming at the mouth and gnashing of the teeth are emblematic, …
December 2020
The Transition: Day 8 – WHAT’S COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH?
I pray this message finds you well! We are on the other side of our first week. This is Day 8 and we are one day away from completing Step 2: The Process of Transition. Before you read our key passages again today (Mark 9:14-29 and Matthew 17:14-21) I want you to pray that God would begin to give you a fresh look and fresh understanding of our passage. Pray that God would speak specifically to you as you read and spend time writing down what you see and hear!
On yesterday I received a call that was affirmation that we are doing something right! My soul is encouraged by the DM’s, emails, text messages, and phone calls. One thing that I would encourage you again, is to keep going no matter what! This is the part of the process where it gets easy to fall off and stop doing what you’ve been doing. The enemy is going to ramp up the attack right through here (from personal experience) because you are turning over the rocks in your life and you are developing a set of best practices to carry over into 2021. But stay on the journey, the only thing that can stop you is you, but in my full throated preacher voice, “God has not brought you this far to leave you. Keep the Faith! Keep Pushing! Keep Asking Questions! and Watch God make up the difference!”
The Transition: Day 6 – HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN THIS WAY?
The process step primarily focuses on asking yourself a lot of questions and then praying and meditating on the answers to those questions. Sometimes the answers will come in the midst of prayer and meditation, there are times when reading the Word of God or listening to a sermon/bible study will bring the revelation, other times it will come through journaling as you begin the process of putting your thoughts on paper, or finally the answers will come throughout the day as you are reflecting and going about your daily business. The key is to pray and ask God to help you get the answers and understanding for the purpose of better application in 2021. Our goal is to engineer the year God has for us by not only asking the question, but applying the answer.
Just yesterday I was reminded that we always have allies in the crowd. Don’t allow the enemy to deceive you and make you believe that you are going through what you are going through alone. I can remember watching National Geographic or other animal television shows, and what you quickly discover is that predators always look for the weak, the wounded, and the isolated. Our enemy Satan wants you to think that you are going through what you are going through alone because when you feel alone, you project to others that you want to be alone, and guess what– you end up being alone. But as believers, we are called to be a part of a flock, we are the sheep and Jesus is the Good Shepherd. I am praying that God will give you supernatural discernment to know the difference between allies and enemies for 2021, but always remember you are never alone in the good times or in the challenging times! Somebody is praying for you and pulling for you always!
The Transition: Day 4 – YOU’VE GOT ALLIES IN THE CROWD.
Proverbs 24:6 tells us that a righteous person can fall seven times and get back up again. I want to encourage you to keep the faith, that’s really what righteousness is– faithfulness. Keep praying and keep fasting, if your falter or fall, just get back up again and keep going. You have to want this enough to keep trying every single day. I believe we make God smile every time we make up our mind I’m going to keep praying, keep going, and keep moving forward. Pray with confidence knowing that God is not only listening but responding! Don’t forget that fasting is just as much about what you start doing as it is about what you start doing.
Human beings have the unique ability to operate at the conscious level. This is in contrast to animals who primarily operate at the responsive level of routine, fight, flight, or freeze. Our consciousness is the unique gift of God because we are made in His image, which means everyday and in every situation we have a choice. It is my prayer for you through the Prayer and Fasting that you will master your consciousness and its connection to the choices that you make. Don’t waste the distinguishing factor that God has given you by devolving to our animal nature of quick reflexes and responses, rather than conscious controlled decision making. More to come on this topic in the coming days.
The journey has begun! One tip that I would like to share is treating every single day of the 40 Days like Day 1. If you think back over times when you have started a new diet, exercise routine, or new challenge there is something special about Day 1 that allows us to bring excitement and our full and total selves to whatever is before us. Treat every day like Day 1 and you’ll get through!
This is the Day that the Lord has made! We should rejoice and be glad in it!
I am super excited to launch today the 40 Days for Prayer and Fasting! Are you ready for the TRANSITION?
I just believe that it grieves the heart of God when we are not living our best lives. Think about it for a moment, what parent rejoices to see their children doing less than their best? The true joy comes when you see your child living up to their full potential in every facet of their lives: spiritually, physically, financially, mentally, and emotionally. I want to promise you that God has that same desire for you! But the truth is, we have a responsibility on our part as well!
It is my prayer that through this 40 Days of prayer and fasting we will be on the path to accessing God’s best, but it starts with prayer and fasting!
Welcome to 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting: The Transition!
In my heart of hearts God has led me to call together men and women of faith and belief who are ready to not only see new levels in God for themselves, but for our families, friends, communities, and the world. As our theme passages Mark 9:14-29 and Matthew 17:14-21 will reveal to us, this can and will happen on the other side of prayer and fasting. This journey has radically revolutionized my life and I’m believing God it will do the same for you!