Scripture: Luke 11:9,10
Key Verse: “knock, and it will be opened to you . . . and to him who knocks it will be opened.”
Luke 11:9, 10
Spiritual B3
Knock like you belong there and watch the door open. The journey has revealed to me that the difference is in the knock. What I lacked was confidence even though I had seen the evidence. I always felt like I was qualified but unfit to ask, then I made a decision to start doing the things I have shared on this journey and literally watched my life change before my very eyes. Through your prayer and meditation begin asking God to show you the past and equally important present evidence.
You are the evidence. In law, the opposing counsel does everything they can to suppress the evidence that can help your case. I had to start praying that God would allow my mind to be flooded with the evidence of why this could happen and begin to through the speaking of my mouth suppress the enemy’s evidence of why I couldn’t or shouldn’t be knocking on that door.
The enemy works to get you to suppress your own evidence— the present progress you are making. Remember, it only takes faith as small as a mustard seed, if you have written down you ask for when the door is opened, and you have been seeking one day at a time to prepare yourself when you get to the door—relax God got you! Do your part and treat every day like Day 1, but practice your knock!
CPR Kit for the Soul:
- Centering Theme: I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me (Philippians 3:13)
- Prayer Topic: To suppress the enemies’ evidence and celebrate your own past and present evidence.
- Reflection Thought: I have shown success on day one of new endeavors and challenges, how can I treat every day like Day 1 and apply the same focus, persistence, determination, and discipline of Day 1 to every day.
T3 Prayer Booster:
- Father God, I know that I can do all things through Christ, especially since I am doing this for Your Glory
- Dear Lord, grant me the peace that comes from embracing the evidence and silencing inadmissible heresy of the enemy. I am ready to knock on that door and for it to be opened.
- Lord, please fill my mind and mouth with the mentality that until I develop my asking, seeking, and knocking into a lifestyle, help me treat every day like Day 1, and before I know it, I believe I’ll have more doors being opened than I know how to handle!
Good morning Rev. Bachus:
Your prayers and scriptures are helping me to be a more humble in my walk with Christ.
Thank you very much.