My brother and my sister Day 6 is here! We are in Step 2: The Process of Transition.
Day 5 – Reflection
The process step primarily focuses on asking yourself a lot of questions and then praying and meditating on the answers to those questions. Sometimes the answers will come in the midst of prayer and meditation, there are times when reading the Word of God or listening to a sermon/bible study will bring the revelation, other times it will come through journaling as you begin the process of putting your thoughts on paper, or finally the answers will come throughout the day as you are reflecting and going about your daily business. The key is to pray and ask God to help you get the answers and understanding for the purpose of better application in 2021. Our goal is to engineer the year God has for us by not only asking the question, but applying the answer.
Day 6 – How Long Has It Been This Way?
Audio File:
In Mark 9:21, Jesus asks the question, “How long has this been happening to him? I believe this text gives us license to be the Sherlock Holmes of our own lives. I have always been fascinated with Sherlock Holmes’ ability to see beyond what the normal and untrained eye can see. He had an uncanny ability to make connections through focused observation to solve mysteries. By looking at a smudge of dirt on your shirt he could tell you what you ate for breakfast and what time you went to sleep the night before. There are some mysteries of our lives that it is going to take prayer, meditation, and a Sherlock Holmes type observation of situations and circumstances to solve these mysteries. Plant the seed of work, by spending today again meditating in your mind and writing in your journal about a few favorable and unfavorable situations in 2020 to identify how and why things went the way they did. The key is again to follow the model of Jesus and try to get the source, the root, and the origins for application of the good and elimination of the unfavorable. I have learned that if we don’t learn lessons the first time, we will keep repeating those patterns of the past in the future. The application of lessons learned serves as a springboard to our desired 2021 goals.
Today’s Social Media Schedule
Facebook Live Prayer and Word of Encouragement at 10:30am EST (9:30am CST) @revreggiebachus – FB public page
Instagram Live Prayer and Word of Encouragement at 11:00am EST (10:00am CST) @reggiebachus – IG page
Please like, share, and comment on social media to help us get the word out about the great things God is doing through prayer, fasting, meditation, and journaling.
Godspeed and Blessings,
Rev. Reginald Lee Bachus