How do you overcome unbelief? On this journey there has to come a point when you make the decision to go all in, because that’s the only way. Our story now transitions to the gospel of Matthew, where Jesus gives a full answer as to why the disciples were not able heal the boy. Jesus says, “Because you have so little faith.”
October 2020
DAY 10: Lord I believe; help my unbelief!
Have you ever wrestled with the question, “Do I have enough faith for my prayers to be answered?” In wrestling with that question, the Lord began to show me that I was now the father in our Biblical story. The statement “Lord I believe; help my unbelief”, is a glimpse into the heart, soul, and mind of every person of prayer at one point or another in our lives as a result of: Faith Fatigue, Faith Frustration, and Feeling like our Faith has Fallen short and Failed us.
DAY 9: If You Can Believe
Do we have the power to affect change in other people’s lives through our belief? According to our Biblical story, the answer is a resounding—YES! Think about the implications of that revelation for a moment, through belief and prayer, not only can we impact situations in our lives, but we have the spiritual capacity and Biblical authority to make a difference in the lives of people we care about— if we can believe!
DAY 8: If I can do anything, have compassion
I know God has a sense of humor. When I was going through my experience, for the first time I had to tell people no and take a leave of absence from a lot of positions, people, and responsibilities in my life. I did it reluctantly, but I just didn’t have the mental capacity or bandwidth to do what I had done almost effortlessly in the past.
DAY 7: Uprooting Challenges
In August, Tropical Storm Isaias ripped through New York City leaving a trail of toppled trees in its path. I remember once perfectly manicured lawns, now a mangled mess, and sidewalks now viciously ripped apart. That vivid picture of uprooted trees came back to me as I went through my journey of that final spirit crying out and then coming out.
DAY 6: Handling Habits
Scripture: Mark 9:17-26 Key Verses: 20 Then they brought him to Him. And when he saw him, immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell on the ground and wallowed, foaming at the mouth. 21 So He asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?” And he said, “From childhood. And often he …
DAY 5: Taking Back Control
The Bible says in James 1:8 that a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways. I believe that being double-minded is a spiritual sickness that is the manifestation of a spiritual heart problem. The Greek word for the heart is the cardia (from which we get cardiac, like cardiac arrest), but essentially it is the meeting place of the will and the emotions.
DAY 4: Unleashing the Power of Communication
Revisiting the experience of the young boy in the text, he had a communication problem. Remember, in Mark 9:25 Jesus commanded a deaf and dumb spirit to come out of the boy. The deaf spirit prevented the boy from hearing and the dumb spirit prevented the boy from speaking.
DAY 3: Three Signs to Recognize a “This Kind” of Moment
On July 7, 2020 I posted on Facebook that the Lord was showing me in dreams and revelations that I had to get back to teaching and preaching. Ultimately, I did not fully obey for a lot of reasons that I will not go into detail about right now, but suffice it say—most weren’t necessarily my fault, but they were my problem. I wasn’t necessarily intentionally disobeying God, but I allowed other factors like what I thought was “the right thing to do”, keep me from fully obeying what God was telling me to do.
DAY 2: “This Kind” Requires Something Different
I remember playing varsity football and basketball in what seems like a faraway time and place. Nothing was worse than playing an away game and losing to a team we should have easily defeated. I can still remember the disappointment sitting on the coach’s brow and the hung heads of a downtrodden team.