Scripture: Luke 11:14-26
Key Verse: But when a stronger that he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils.
Spiritual B3:
Be of good courage and be encouraged because Jesus has already overcome the strong man Satan, which means that victory is certain! As believers, we already know how the story ends. But the truth is that sometimes even though we know how the story ends it is extremely difficult on us while the story is still playing itself out.
The Bible says that Jesus was, “casting out a demon, and it was mute. So it was, when the demon had gone out, that the mute spoke; and the multitudes marveled. But some of them said ‘He casts out demons by Beelzebub, the rule of the demons.’ ”
Jesus eventually shares with us, that Satan was the man, until I showed up, invaded his kingdom, disarmed him of the armor in which he trusted, and divided the spoils among the members of Jesus’ kingdom. Jesus assures us that He could not have done that unless He was stronger than the strong man Satan. All of this may not make sense right now but stay tuned in and I promise it will.
On my own journey I wrestled with the question of the text, why wouldn’t people just celebrate the miracle of what Jesus had done? Imagine a man who has never spoken, then right there on the spot without a speech therapist or months of recovery, the man speaks, and the multitudes are marveled. That’s two miracles right there worthy of the praise and celebration. As you continue on your journey be prepared for that, because Satan will unleash his hell hounds because he does not want to give up the spoils of his kingdom. The spoils of his kingdom are the choices that we make in our lives, the transformation, breakthroughs, healing and miracles.
When God begins this new work in you, be prepared for the mockers because Satan wants to sow seeds doubt in your own heart and mind, but equally important the hearts and minds of those who are marveling at what God has kept you through, the work God is doing in you, and the work God is doing through you! But be encouraged and open your mouth and speak because you have a story to tell!
On this journey God began to show me for the first time in my life, that I can remember at least, I was being persecuted for righteousness sake. As in our text, some in the multitudes were attempting to punish and ridicule me for doing the right thing. What blew my mind was that I was usually guilty of doing the wrong thing, but when I started turning my life around, trying to do the right thing, and watching my life go to the next level, it was used against me. But God began unpacking this passage in new ways that gave me strength for the jouney!
I pray that over the course of this week you are encouraged and challenged by what lies ahead. I know I was. We will explore division in the church and Kingdom of God, generational division, hypocrisy, and unpack how the armor of God overcomes the armor that Satan has trusted in. Stay tuned and know victory is certain!
CPR Kit for the Soul:
Centering Theme: Sit back and smile, because although Jesus does not tell us when, He does assure us that victory will come because He has already overcome the strong man Satan!
Prayer Topic: Help to handle the mixed multitudes of those who marvel at the work of God and those who mock the work of God in your life.
Reflection Thought: Reflect on that fact that victory is certain, all I have to do is stay strong during the fight
T3 Prayer Booster:
- Father God, I thank you that victory is certain because Christ Jesus has already overcome the strong man Satan, when He arose with all power in His hand and granted us authority over the enemy.
- Lord, we ask for the strength to handle the mixed multitudes of our lives. Please keep us from being bitter but getting better in spite of the mockers. Please help us to not punish those who are celebrating what God is doing in our lives because we are spending too much time and energy focusing on the mockers.
- Lord, we know that all things work together for the good according to Your word in Romans 8:28, so although it may not feel good, give us what we need to hang in there.