“So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” Luke 11:13
Spiritual B3:
Thank God that even our earthly fathers and mothers know how to give good gifts, but how much more will our Heavenly Father give to those who ask?
Imagine the possibilities that exists because of the author of the statement. One of the lessons on this journey for me has been a reevaluation of the authenticity of statements made by people. The authenticity and believability of the statement is predicated on the author of the statement. I believe wholeheartedly in the Bible, but I pay particular attention the words of Jesus. Based on the fact that Jesus is the author of this statement you can believe it! But we need to dig a little deeper.
The three examples given are about what we’ll call look-a-like blessings. Biblical commentators across the years have drawn our attention to the mental images Jesus’ listeners would have pictured at the time of this saying. A small loaf of bread would have resembled one of the stones the audience was accustomed to seeing. The same holds for the fish and serpent, the serpent would have probably been an eel rather than a snake. The egg would have resembled a pale colored species of scorpion that resembled an egg as it was curled up in a ball.
I believe Jesus is partly qualifying what God will grant of our prayer request. I believe there is a permissive will where God will answers prayers, even though God knows it’s not the best thing for us, but in God’s infinite wisdom and foresight, He knows that the granting will not kill or destroy us, but it can be used to bring us closer to God and for God’s glory. The best example I can give is my experience of not paying attention to my navigation system, but just because I made a wrong term did not mean that I didn’t make it to my destination, I just had to be rerouted and it may have taken a little longer than it should have, but I got there!
I know that God answers every prayer, but God may not answer prayers the way we want, or when we want, but God will answer. Our choices that accompany our prayer in asking, seeking, and knocking will impact God’s response and timing, but please know God will not give us a stone that will break our teeth and keep us from eating again. God will not give you an eel, which was a forbidden food for the audience of Jesus, which would be nothing more than a temptation that increased your hunger rather than giving us the food we need to be satisfied. God will not give you a scorpion that has a potentially deadly sting, when you were asking for something that had life and could produce more offspring or at a minimum at least satisfy what you needed for sustenance.
To God be the glory that God will not give us things that will steal, kill, or destroy, that’s the will of Satan not God (John 10:10). Praise God that He will not give us look-a-like blessings, but will give us what we have need of!
CPR Kit for the Soul:
- Centering Theme: Center yourself on the thought that God wants to bless you and answer your prayers
- Prayer Topic: Lord help me to avoid asking for look-a-like blessings, by seeking your face and will
- Reflection Thought: Has my experiences with earthly parents impacted my perception of what God will answer in prayer?
T3 Prayer Starter:
- Father God, I thank You, that you always hear my prayers. Grant me the courage to believe the word of Jesus
- God, I pray for discernment to avoid look-a-like blessings that I may ask for. Because Your Son Jesus has said that You will not give us look-a-like blessings, so I do not want what You do not want for me.
- Lord, please help me release past experiences with parents and others who have given look-a-like blessings, or things that I felt I needed but did not receive for reasons I do not understand.